Dr Ian Inglis
B.Sc.(Hons) M.A. Ph.D.
The Beatles, Popular Music And Society: A Thousand Voices
ISBN 0-333-73205-7
Macmillan 2000
Wonderfully mad symposium of academic essays on the fab four...histograms, hardcore musicological analysis, and a round-up of dissenting voices in the 1960s
(The Guardian)
The book's strengths lie in the contributors' conscious avoidance of simple chronologies and assessments of record sales [...] issues are addressed clearly and concisely. It will interest a wide audience - from beginning undergraduates on up - including cultural historians, musicians, and sophisticated listeners
(American Library Association)

Popular Music And Film
ISBN 1-903364-71-X
Wallflower 2003
The breadth and diversity of the essays is impressive, and suggests useful avenues for further examination of what has become a central feature of contemporary cultural production and consumption [...] An excellent intervention in the burgeoning interest in, and understanding of, film music
(Popular Music)
We welcome Inglis's call, embodied by this volume, for more diverse, international, and detailed scholarly work on pop music and film [...] Popular Music And Film makes a salient and enthusiastic step in the right direction
(Film Quarterly)

Performance And Popular Music: History, Place And Time
ISBN 0-7546-4056-6
Ashgate 2006
A welcome book in the growing tradition of performance and reception studies. Its well-crafted pages bring alive the connection between performers and audiences, and begin to illumine the impact these live events have had on pop music's tumultuous, media-drenched history
An excellent collection. Performance And Popular Music captures the dynamics and implications of some of rock's major performances [and] provides us with a valuable contribution to the study of rock performance
(Popular Music And Society)
The authors have succeeded in bringing the performances to the page
(Twentieth Century Music)

The Words And Music Of George Harrison
ISBN 978-0-313-37532-3
Praeger 2010
Inglis offers some interesting insights into the musical structure and recording process...provides important insights and critical analyses of post-Beatles solo music, and will be useful to anyone interested in this music
(Music Theory Online)
Inglis provides a complete reflection of the man known as the "quiet Beatle"...Harrison's physical, spiritual, and political journey through music is chronicled and analyzed in this appreciative account
(Book News)

Popular Music And Television In Britain
ISBN 978-07546-6864-0
Ashgate 2010
A valuable contribution to the documentation of British popular culture, with television's service of popular music made plain throughout
(Popular Music History)
...a wealth of valuable information and insights
(Music, Sound, And The Moving Image)
This text goes a considerable way towards realising its stated aim of creating a touchstone work for the analysis of popular music and British TV
(Popular Music)

The Beatles In Hamburg
ISBN 978-1-86189-915-6
Reaktion 2013
As an account of the ideas and ideals that impelled the band through its most formative years, this book is unbeatable
(Wall Street Journal)
Inglis is at his best when summarizing the environmental forces and personal relationships that fostered the intense level of artistic growth the group achieved
(Weekly Standard)
Synthesises evidence and ideas from a wide range of sources and offers an appropriately contextualised contribution to this familar narrative path
(Popular Music)

The Beatles
ISBN 978-1-845-53865-1
Equinox 2017
The deliberate pursuit of objectivity is one of the book's strengths...the examination of the biographical information
and musical analysis is informed and balanced (Popular Music)
A fresh view of the Beatles and their impact on the world in
the sixties...a work of social history as much as music criticism (Record Collector)
A dispassionate and objective approach to the Beatles' story...a succinct, comprehensive,
serious, but accessible account (Penniless Press)
An absorbing and incisive evaluation (The Beat)